After producing a string of films for notorious Spanish director Jess Franco (Barbed Wire Dolls, Jack the Ripper), Swiss producer Erwin C. Dietrich “borrowed” Franco’s main muse, actress Lina Romay, for a sexploitation romp of his own. Their resulting collaboration was 1975’s Rolls Royce Baby, a salacious and intensely erotic cinematic experience featuring the beautiful Romay at her most sexually uninhibited.
Romay stars as Lisa, a curvy nymphomaniac who prowls the countryside in her classic, chauffeur-driven, Rolls Royce picking up any man she can find and engaging in all manner of explicit sexual acts. Dietrich forgoes any narrative contrivances and simply focuses on Lina’s outstanding natural physical attributes, picturesque scenery and a cavalcade of hot couplings that happen in and out of that glorious Rolls Royce, while composer Walter Baumgartner’s delirious score pumps away in the background.
Full Moon is excited to present this ultra-rare, insanely sexy slice of vintage European erotica in a digitally remastered DVD, FULLY UNCUT transfer, culled directly from Dietrich’s own 35mm negative. Jump in Lina’s Rolls for the hottest ride you’ll ever take!
Order Rolls Royce Baby now via Amazon or Full Moon Direct.
Watch the sexy trailer here.

The world’s nastiest slab of Eurotrash cinema is now available on DVD from Full Moon!
From the wonderfully sleazy mind of legendary Swiss exploitation producer Erwin C. Dietrich (Rolls Royce Baby, Jess Franco’s Jack the Ripper and Barbed Wire Dolls) comes Mad Foxes (aka Los Violadores) the most delirious and offensive biker action trash flick ever unleashed!
When hapless hero Hal (Jose Gras from Bruno Mattei’s Hell of the Living Dead and Lucio Fulci’s Conquest) and his lady-friend have a deadly run-in with a greasy biker gang, the thugs strike back by raping the woman and beating Hal within an inch of his miserable life. But he survives and calls on his uppity kick-boxing buddies who in-turn crash the dead biker’s funeral, cut off the gang-leaders member and feed it to him. What follows is an endless back and forth of violence, mutilation, rape and revenge, with a staggering body count made up of the innocent, the sort-of horrible and the all-out scum-of-the earth.
Simply put, Mad Foxes is among the most jaw-dropping and utterly insane movies you’ll ever see in this or any other lifetime and comes bursting at the seems with gore, sleaze, sex and despicable human behavior. Full Moon is honored to bring you this relatively obscure masterpiece of bad taste on Special Edition DVD in a totally uncut, digitally remastered transfer culled from Dietrich’s own negative. Mad Foxes is the drooling, spitting, screamingly offensive exploitation film you’ve been waiting for. Rev them motors and dig in!