José Ramón Larraz Double Feature [Blu-ray]


DORADO FILMS has just opened the pre-ordered for this José Larraz double feature on Blu-Ray:

An exclusive booklet only for pre-sale purchasers, exclusive mini blu-ray sized posters and promo reproductions, and 3.50 USD cheaper than the final retail price of 30.00 USD! Don’t miss this Pre-sale of two fan-favorite films from Spanish director José Ramón Larraz, mastered in 4K.
Total Runtime: 161 minutes ♦ Regions: ABC ♦ UPC: 828637050065
Individually numbered on the cover
Informational booklet, exclusive to Pre-sale purchasers
Blu-ray sized mini posters and promotional reproductions, exclusive to Pre-sale purchasers
Save 3.50 USD from the retail price of 30.00 USD
Get it about 2 months before it is released in stores!

Estigma (1980)
Runtime: 86 minutes ♦ Resolution: Full HD ♦ Audio: English (2.0), Spanish (2.0), Audio Commentary (English) ♦ Subtitles:English, Spanish, Italian
Director: José Ramón Larraz
Actors: Christian Borromeo, Alexandra Bastedo, Emelio Gutierrez Caba, Helga Liné
Thrilling story directed by Jose Ramón Larraz about the possession of a young boy, Sabastian, who acquires the power to make his thoughts come true. A mind dictated by evil, a reincarnation of a past life destined to repeat itself all over again. Life after life?

Emma Puertas Oscuras (1974)
Runtime: 75 minutes ♦ Resolution: Full HD ♦ Audio: Spanish (2.0), Audio Commentary (English) ♦ Subtitles:English, Spanish, Italian
Director: José Ramón Larraz
Actors: Susanna East, Perla Cristal, Angel Menendez, Marina Ferri, Andrew Grant
After a tragic accident which has mind altering consequences, Emma now becomes psychotic, endangering everyone close to her and anyone she meets. A thrilling and suspenseful story, gripping in its intensity, directed by José R Larraz.

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7 Responses

  1. Antonio says:

    Hola soy antonio como se puede comprar este bluray doble y cuando que fecha.

    • Elena says:

      Hola, tienes que ir a la web que se menciona en la noticia y preguntarles a ellos directamente. Hacen venta a través de su site en exclusiva creo. Si no recuerdo mal era una edición limitada.

  2. Hi.. pléase I need to nkow about those movies because I want to buy.. how can I buy?? I will wait any answers..

  3. Rubén García says:

    Hola, es región libre?

  1. 10/10/2017

    […] have received several emails and comments on SPANISHFEAR.COM concerning two DORADO FILMS releases: The Larraz Double Feature Blu-ray and The Jess Franco’s Forgotten Films Vol. […]

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