by Elena Romea (*) ESTACIÓN ROCAFORT (2024) is a Spanish horror film directed by Luis Prieto (SHATTERED, KIDNAP), set in the uncanny underground of Rocafort metro station in Barcelona. The movie released in...
by Elena Romea (*) ESTACIÓN ROCAFORT (2024) is a Spanish horror film directed by Luis Prieto (SHATTERED, KIDNAP), set in the uncanny underground of Rocafort metro station in Barcelona. The movie released in...
Victor Matellano’s new vision of Larraz’s classic cult movie will be premiered on September 24 at Cines Prado in the city of Sitges (Barcelona). The movie producer ÁNgel Mora and the main star Christian Stamm...
Nacho Cerdà’s Phenomena Experience movie theater will be opened on Dec 19! People attending this grand opening will see two cult classics: JAWS and ALIEN. Phenomena Experience movie theater will be placed where...
According to the Catalonian director Nacho Cerdá (The Abandonded, Aftermath) will open his own cinema theater in Barcelona. He will take the old thaters Napons where after reformation he will create a...