Author: Elena


Open Windows review

    By Rubén Íñiguez Pérez   Unlike most European directors making their debut in U.S.A., Vigalondo in Open Windows tries out new narrative techniques in a film full of traditional elements and structures...


Today Tokarev by Paco Cabezas premier!

Tokarev is an action crime thriller film directed by the Spanish director Paco Cabezas and written by Jim Agnew and Sean Keller. The film stars Nicolas Cage, Rachel Nichols, Peter Stormare, Danny Glover, Max...


Now available: CREEPY IMAGES #13

68 pages in full color high quality printing (14,8 x 21 cm / 5.5 x 8.27 Inch) featuring: Antonio Margheriti’s CANNIBAL APOCALYPSE / APOCALYPSE DOMANI Complete German advertising material George Romero’s DAY OF THE... 0


Dear aficionados of the Spanish Horror genre we are happy to announce a new site that may be of your interest. Its name: Spanish Fear. The site has been create with the spirit of...


Delirium #2: Tombs of the Blind Dead

You can order Delirium here. Full Moon presents DELIRIUM magazine – a bi-monthly, full color, pulp-fiction-salute print periodical dedicated to exploring and celebrating the joy of making movies. For over four delirious decades, filmmaker...


Horror rises from the tomb on Evilspeak #1

EVILSPEAK Magazine Issue #1 is NOW available! From Razorback Publications comes the debut issue of Evilspeak Magazine featuring the best in underground horror journalism! 80 terror-loaded pages with NO ads inside – all KILLER,...


Full bloody contents for GOREZONE #31!

GOREZONE is available by subscription only (it’s too rough for newsstands!), still for just $45 for one year/six issues, so go here to order; issue #31 and other individual copies can be purchased here....