October 29 was the Vampires day! We could watch Found, an American movie directed by Scott Schirmer in 2012. Based on the novel by Todd Rigney, Found centers around Marty, a shy, bullied fifth-grader...
October 29 was the Vampires day! We could watch Found, an American movie directed by Scott Schirmer in 2012. Based on the novel by Todd Rigney, Found centers around Marty, a shy, bullied fifth-grader...
Hi there, from La Mano Film Festival organization, we want to congratulate you for your surprising treatment of the vampire genre. A very refreshing film indeed. Can you tell our audience about your film...
Nigerian movie made in 2009 by Kunle Afolayan. It is said to be the closing film of the festival It is a story of two buddies and a girl…all down on their luck have...