The Woman who Talked to the Dead by César del Álamo

Written by Elena Anele (*)

The Woman who Talked to the Dead (La mujer que hablaba con los muertos) is César del Álamo’s (Mi, Goodnight said Ms. Bird) latest feature film, written together with Mario Parra. In this film we can find the cult Spanish horror actress Lone Fleming and other familiar faces from del Álamo’s movies such as the great Maya Reyes, Alba Mesa or Chema Coloma.

This movie is now starting its way into Spanish fests. It was shown in Madrid a month ago and we hope more dates are about to come. Please, click like on their Facebook page so you can have all the latest updates: La mujer que hablaba con los muertos

As in the rest of César’s movies, the crew makes their best with the really low budget and resources they have. Do not forget I am not talking about a Hollywood production but a crowdfunding one. However, people involved in this production, including the director, know perfectly well how to work in these conditions and I can assure you they do not do badly.


The director continues dealing with horror but this time he wanted to introduce a change, so he tried to create the perfect balance between that genre and comedy, being this mixture something some part of the audience didn’t like. The result was not as expected, I must admit, but please, let’s take into consideration that at least the writers were a little brave and tried to do something new. Something Spanish horror audience is not used to.


The movie tells the story of Elena Castaño, a woman who had a gift when she was a child: she was able to communicate with the spirits of the dead. Nowadays, she is an adult and she does not have that ability anymore. But she and her sister Úrsula survive making fake séances. Tonight there will be her last session as she does not want to continue with the fraud. But… she does not know an unexpected guest is coming to the séance!!

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The main part of the story happens in a room and I want to highlight the great use of the camera that could be appreciated since the very beginning of the session. It flows from one character to the other introducing them all to the audience: Elena (Ruxandra Oancea) the fake psychic, her sister Úrsula (Alba Mesa), Blanca (Lone Fleming) an intriguing widow and her assistant Lupe (Maya Reyes), etc.

There are so many elements that could remind us of Italian Horror classics, not only the spirits but also the use of the colours, music, flashbacks, disturbing characters, etc.

It may not be César del Álamo’s best movie but you would enjoy it if you are an Italian and Spanish horror aficionado. So if it arrives to a festival or theatre near you do not hesitate and watch it!


bcc65b20ad2d11e3a1af0ea229d20f9b_8  Elena Anele is the woman in charge of Spanish Fear and Horror Rises from Spain.  A literature and cinema researcher who has published in different media and books  as Fangoria or Hidden Horror.

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2 Responses

  1. 12/03/2014

    […] You can check our review of the movie here: […]

  2. 10/02/2019

    […] Now available on Amazon Primer 3 Cesar del Alamo’s movies: Good Nigh Said Miss Bird,Devil’s Skin and The Woman who talked to the dead. […]

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