by Elena Romea (*) EL BOSQUE DEL LOBO is a movie from 1970 directed by Pedro Olea (AKELARRE, TORMENTO) and written by the director, Carlos Martínez-Barbeito and Juan Antonio Porto. It’s...
by Elena Romea (*) EL BOSQUE DEL LOBO is a movie from 1970 directed by Pedro Olea (AKELARRE, TORMENTO) and written by the director, Carlos Martínez-Barbeito and Juan Antonio Porto. It’s...
SISTER DEATH (AKA HERMANA MUERTE) is next Paco Plaza’s (VERONICA, LA ABUELA) feature film. Written by Jorge Guerricaechevarría tells the story of Narcisa (Aria Bedmar) in post-war Spain,. Narcisa is a young novice with supernatural...
MAMANTULA is Ion de Sosa’s latest feature film. It has been written by Ion (ANDROID’S DREAM), Mamen Díaz (THE MINISTRY OF TIME) and Julián Génisson Mamántula is the guy everyone desires, but he...
We are happy to premiere online Domingo Ortega’s X, a 5-minute short film in which we are dealing with a couple in different dimensions. It includes a funny reference to one of the masters...
by Elena Romea (*) VIEJOS aka THE ELDERLY is latest Raúl Cerezo and Fernando González Gómez’s movie. It was written together with Javier Trigales and released in 2022 at theaters in Spain....
VERANO EN ROJO is Belén Macías latest thriller and it will be premiered on September 8 in Spain. It is based on the novel by Berna González Harbour. The story takes place in...
Latest movie by Carlota Pereda (CERDITA) called LA ERMITA will be premiered at SITGES fest this year. After that, it will be at cinema theaters since November 17. Main star is Belén Rueda...
Victor Matellano’s documentary about Spanish Horror Clawing! A Journey Through the Spanish Horror will be released on DVD by 79. This edition will include a short movie called Tío Jess, about the problems and...
From director Jess Franco, the inimitable overlord of international exploitation, comes DOWNTOWN HEAT, a rarely seen 1994 action thriller starring MANNIX himself, Mike Connors, along with Josephine Chaplin (Franco’s JACK THE RIPPER) and Franco’s...